1. TCPIP must be installed and configured properly.
Versant needs the TCP/IP protocol stack in order to facilitate communication between the client and the server. On Window NT, TCP/IP is installed when you install the operating system. It can also be added later through the Windows NT Setup program. Windows NT networks use NetBIOS or NetBEUI as their native transport protocol, so TCP/IP is implemented on top of these protocols. This means that you can connect your machine to you other NT machines, as well as to your UNIX machines, or any other machine that uses TCP/IP or NetBEUI.

Once you have TCP/IP installed, you should test it to see if it was installed correctly. As a quick test, you can try to `ping' your machine name. That is, execute the ping program with the hostname of your machine as the parameter passed in to it. This will test to see if your hostname is recognized and that TCP/IP is running on your machine. Also run the hostname command and pay special note to both the spelling and the case of the hostname. This information will be important during the installation and setup of Versant..

2. Make sure there is enough disk space for the Versant files.
A Versant installation on NT usually requires about 50meg of free space. This figure does not account for the space needed for the compiler or for your databases.

3. Decide which user id is to be the dbsa for the Versant system.
This is the user name that will be passed to other machines. It must be a valid user on the server.

4. Make sure you have the proper version of the compiler that matches the Versant release you are using.
Versant releases are meant to be paired with a particular compiler. You should make sure that you have the proper version of the compiler that your Versant software is meant to be used with.

How can you ensure that you have a successful installation of Versant> Check the following things:

1. Check the TCP/IP 'services' file.
This file associates a service name with a socket and also specifies the socket type. The Versant oscssd service needs to be assigned a tcp socket on your system. The default is to use 5019 as the socket number. This can be changed if that number is already in use by another service, but if possible you should use the default value. The services file is located in the WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC directory and should contain an entry for oscssd. The entry should read as follows:
oscssd	5019/tcp
2. Make sure the VERSANTD service is installed in the Control Panel.
In the control Panel there is an icon for `Services`. Open this and make sure that the VERSANTD service has been installed. If not, the command to install it is:
(note - the path may be different on your machine.)

3. Check the SYSINFO file.
This file contains the Versant environment parameters for the machine. The general format for the file is an environment parameter followed by a value for the parameter. The XXYYZZ should be replaced by the release number of Versant. For example, for version 3.0.10 of Versant the file would be named .osc030010. On Unix platforms this file is located in the Versant lib directory. An example of what goes in this file would be:
VERSANT_DB		    c:\versant\db
VERSANT_DBID			c:\versant\db
VERSANT_USER			Administrator

4. Check the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
The Versant bin directory should have been added to your PATH setting, and an environment variable VERSANT_ROOT should have been set. For example:

5. Run the `oscp -i` command.
This program checks the Versant environment settings. It looks at your environment variables, the /etc/.oscxxyyzz file and the TCP/IP setup files to get the values for the Versant environment parameters. You should verify that all paths and values are correct. The output of the command will look something like this:
C:\>oscp -i
Versant Product Version: 3.0.14
Versant Root Path: c:\versant
Versant Runtime Path: c:\versant\3_0_14\nt
Versant DB Directory: c:\versant\db
Versant osc-dbid node name: myserver
Versant osc-dbid path: c:\versant\db
VERSANT_ROOT: c:\versant

6. Run the `oscp -i @` command.
should be the name of the machine you have just installed Versant on. This tests the two-process communication. Some possible errors that you could receive at this point are 3004, 3009, 3020. These errors indicate that the TCP/IP configuration files have not been set up properly. Check that the services and inetd.conf files have been set up properly.

7. Run `makedb testdb` command.
This command merely creates the database directory, but it is necessary for the next step.

8. Run `createdb testdb` command.
This will actually create the database, pre-allocating space, creating system classes, and registering the new database's database id in the osc-dbid file. If the osc-dbid file did not get created properly during installation, you should see error E7031: UT_ER_DBID_NOACCESS: Failed to access database ID file. You can use the dbid -N command to create an osc-dbid file.

If an osc-dbid file did get created during installation, or if you are using an osc-dbid file on another server and you still get this error, then something is wrong with your environment. Rerun the oscp -i command to see where Versant thinks the osc-dbid file is. Also make sure you have the proper access privileges to the file.

9. Run `db2tty -d testdb` command.
This is another test of the two-process model. The db2tty program is compiled using the Versant 2-process libraries. It does a regular `beginsession' on the database and then outputs the contents of the database to stdout. It is useful not only to look at the contents of a database, but also as a test of the Versant installation since it is written similar to user-built applications.

10. Compile and run the demo & tutorial programs.
Copy one of the demo programs into your home directory. You should copy the entire directory. Then compile and run the program. Make sure you are able to compile everything.

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